Igniting The Fire Within..

“Every writer has a unique story to tell. It’s whether or not they find interesting ways to retell it, that is important”. A line from an author’s note in a novel I read a few months back.
This is so true for every passionate writer who knows he or she has been made or commissioned to write.

Writing is an expression of the inspirations and imaginations of the soul: your mind, will and emotions. You can’t write or pen down anything without your mind-the mind is the seat of your imaginations. It is where the story takes place, where the characters begin to form and take shape; where the plot is formed and where the settings are invented. You sit and think through your story by ruminating to conjure up scenarios to make up vivid imaginations.

Now, when that is already done, your will has its own role to play and responsibility. Are you willing to go through the process of crafting into words that which you have imagined? Or do you prefer to remain in your comfort zone and let your story just revolve and evolve only within the confines of your imagination?

Then next in line are your emotions. Are you happy or sad? Are you weary, plain tired or energy driven? Yet another, feeling dreary or inspired? All of the above mentioned can affect your writing disposition and the realization of your dream as a writer.

It takes guts, courage and boldness to pen down those first few lines as you pay homage and introduce yourself to the writer’s world.

You must be willing to take a step of faith into the unknown even if it feels uncertain at the initial stage, to plunge into the sea of words which awaits the willing writer; who is ready, bold and courageous enough to craft stories, screenplays, scripts, articles, memoirs, copy and every kind of content there is under the sun, with every stroke of his pen,  bringing them to life, as he swims his way to the shores of editing, publishing and promotion of the book of his dreams!
