Making The Best Of A Bad Situation

The situation of the COVID-19 virus has locked down everything including our bookclubs,  as schools  have been shut down here in Nigeria because of this crisis. Yet, I have decided not to allow this affect my reading and writing. I have actually just finished reading a book titled: Rose Daughter by Robin McKinley, a 90's classic, a retelling of the story of Beauty & The Beast. It was quite interesting but I'm really not a fan of magic and sorcery. And now, I'm about to begin a new one titled: Second Time Around by Mary Higgins Clark, another 90's classic.
I want to challenge  you all as you read this,  to read at least two good books this new month of April,  especially now, that we are all stuck up at home compulsorily. Also, get your dictionaries along as you read,  and learn as many new words as you can this season. And as for those of you who write, you need to get started. If you keep procrastinating, you are not going to get that book, novel, script or poem out of the recesses of your mind and imagination. So let's get cracking! If you're up for the challenge, you can like this post and leave a comment.
