Amazing Book Club Competition

It was a fun filled event on the 15th of May, 2019, as the three schools where we already have our book clubs running-Oha, Osubi and Ebrumede Secondary Schools came together on one platform to compete against each other in a spelling bee and speed reading competition. Our honorable partners, the immediate past President, and members of Rotary Club of Osubi, staff and students of the three schools were present to witness this great occasion. The competition commenced with the spelling bee which comprised of two parts: the oral spellings and the written dictation. The students were judged according to their ability to spell correctly orally and in the written form. Next, they were judged according to their ability to give the accurate meaning of words, and the last section was the reading competition. Here, the students, were judged according to their reading speed and pronunciation of words.
The judges of the competition were fair, thorough and precise, and by the time the results came forth, they were indeed well deserved. The winning school was Osubi Secondary School with a total of 132 points. The second position went to Oha Secondary School with a total of 125points and following closely behind was Ebrumede Secondary School with 124 points. At the end, numerous prizes were given to the contestants from all three schools while cash prizes were donated to the principals, vice principals and the English/Literature teachers  present from all three schools. More books were donated to the schools’ libraries by the Rotary Club of Osubi and The International BookWorld Foundation.

Written by Ewoma
